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Who We Are

Welcome to Glo’Evolved Academy: Where Faith Fuels Transformation!

At Glo’Evolved, we’re a vibrant community passionate about integrating faith into personal growth. Guided by our belief in transformation through faith, we empower individuals to discover their purpose and embrace wholeness.


With a focus on fostering a supportive and transformative environment, Glo’Evolved is your partner in navigating the journey towards personal and spiritual fulfillment."

Join a select community dedicated to faith-based personal growth and empowerment. Our academy offers an intimate, transformative journey towards purpose and wholeness.

Limited seats ensure an enriching experience. Apply today and unlock your potential with Glo’Evolved Academy!

This Program is Right For you If…

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If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey to infuse faith into your personal growth and discover a deeper sense of purpose.

If you desire a holistic approach 

to personal development, that

incorporates faith, mental health

practices, and community support

If you're eager for guidance and support in navigating a transformative path towards wholeness.

If you’re looking to gain access to proven techniques, tools, and insights that blend the power of faith and mental health for transformative results.

If you value connection and community, seeking a supportive environment for your spiritual and personal growth.

If you’re ready for change and desire to walk in your christ given identity and purpose

If you're ready to engage in purposeful learning opportunities, deepening your understanding of faith and its integration into your daily life.

This Program is NOT f0r you If…

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If you're looking for quick fixes or seeking instant solutions without a commitment to genuine, lasting transformation.

If you're not open to receiving tailored support or acknowledging the uniqueness of your personal journey.

If you're resistant to holistic growth, dismissing the importance of integrating faith, mental well-being, and community support.

If you’re skeptical about integrating faith into your personal growth journey and are seeking a purely secular approach

If you're not comfortable engaging with a supportive community or sharing experiences with like-minded individuals.

If you’re not ready to commit time and effort to your personal and spiritual development.

If you're resistant to transformative change or not prepared for the challenges that come with personal and spiritual growth.

Waitlist is Now



Apply now & Start Evolving

Welcome, future trailblazers! Our academy offers a transformative journey, guiding you through faith-driven personal growth in an intimate setting. Seating is limited to maintain an enriching experience.


Upon approval, expect a congratulatory email inviting you to schedule a call with our Lead Coach. To secure your spot, a deposit link will be included—please reserve within 24 hours to confirm your seat.

Kindly note, completing the full application is essential; acceptance isn't guaranteed and is at our discretion.


Duration: 5+ minutes. Ready to embark on this empowering journey? Apply now!

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